in Pennsylvania
With an increasingly aging population, there is a greater need for quality assisted living and nursing home care. It is very reassuring to know that your loved one is in a safe, secure, clean facility receiving proper care.
Unfortunately, not all nursing homes are created equally. Many are poorly managed, understaffed and provide substandard or no care at all. These chronic problems can lead to nursing home neglect and even abuse. Nursing homes are expensive and promise quality care. Make sure that your loved one gets the treatment that they deserve.

Have you noticed your loved one
- dehydrated
- having changes in mood or disoriented
- malnourished
- lacking basic hygiene
- suffering from bed sores
- having soiled linens and smell
- over or under medicated
- unexplained weight loss
- bruised
- fearful
- restrained
These are just a few of the symptoms of nursing home neglect and abuse. If these conditions are not quickly recognized and remedied they can lead to serious health problems and death. Trust your feelings. If you think something is wrong, start asking questions. Befriend the staff who are often a great source of information. Visit with your loved one regularly and at unexpected times.
If you believe that your loved one has been the victim of nursing home negligence, call Pecori & Pecori, your Pennsylvania Nursing Home neglect lawyers today for a free evaluation of your case.
There are many types of assistance for essays. The type of essay support used will vary based on the purpose for which it is intended. Essays that are persuasive usually depend on facts and illustrations to back up the arguments. Personal essays may use the use of stories and observations. Research essays use quotes, reasoning, facts as well as other proof to prove their point. In general, it is possible to use every kind of essay support. Below are a few of the most popular types of support for essays.